Best Eye Specialist In Siliguri

The eye is one of the most valuable assets of our body because this organ helps in experiencing and seeing the world. However, at certain points of time, most people develop common eye disorders which may cause vision loss and severe inconvenience in doing daily activities.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of eye disorders then you must contact a qualified eye doctor or ophthalmologist. This is because ignoring the early signs can help you to receive an early diagnosis for saving eye vision. Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami is the best eye specialist in Siliguri and a retina surgeon who can recommend you the best care and diagnosis for eye-related issues.

Why Choose Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami?

  • Professional approach
  • Personalized care
  • Modern technology
  • 9+ years of experience
  • Surgical eye care assistance
  • 30k + satisfied patients
  • Wide range of retinal treatments
  • Advanced diagnostic equipment

Consulting with an effective ophthalmologist will help you in receiving the best vision services, eye care, treatment, diagnosis, surgical assistance, and other visual complications caused by certain health issues including diabetes. It is always recommended that every child and adult must undergo cyclic eye screening schedules. This will help in detecting eye defects sooner for effective diagnosis.

Retina Specialist

Common Eye Disorders

Some of the common eye disorders when you must consult with an eye specialist in Siliguri, include-

  • Astigmatism Glaucoma
  • Refractive errors
  • Dry eyes
  • Macular hole
  • Corneal Abrasion
  • Cataract
  • Retinal Detachment
  • Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  • Central Retinal Vascular Occlusion (CRVO)
  • Hypertensive Retinopathy

With 9+ years of experience, Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami can provide effective treatment and specialized care for most of these eye disorders. She is also a prominent name in retina care where she has performed more than 1500 surgeries and other laser treatments for enhanced recovery from retinal issues.

You can seek the guidance of the renowned eye doctor in Siliguri for any serious issues requiring surgery as well as for routine check-ups. The doctor will detect your eye condition based on various diagnostic tests such as eye muscle, visual acuity, pupil constriction, peripheral vision test, and fundus check and then select an appropriate treatment.

If you or your near ones are suffering from any such eye disorders, then feel free to contact Dr. Sageeta D. Goswami by calling +91 81678 88403 or taking an online appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When should I see an eye specialist doctor?
Answer :

You should see an eye specialist doctor if you are experiencing any vision problems, eye pain, redness, or irritation, or if you have a family history of eye diseases.

Q. How often should I have an eye exam with an eye specialist doctor?
Answer :

It is recommended to have a comprehensive eye exam with an eye specialist doctor at least once every two years, or more frequently if you have a family history of eye diseases or if you are at risk for certain eye conditions.

Q. What should I expect during an eye exam with an eye specialist doctor?
Answer :

During an eye exam, your eye specialist doctor will conduct various tests to evaluate your vision, eye health, and overall eye function. This may include tests for visual acuity, eye pressure, and examination of the retina and other structures of the eye.

Q. Can an eye specialist doctor prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses?
Answer :

Yes, an eye specialist doctor can prescribe corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contact lenses to improve vision and address refractive errors.

Q. What should I do if I have an eye emergency?
Answer :

If you have an eye emergency, such as sudden vision loss, eye trauma, or severe eye pain, you should seek immediate medical attention by contacting an eye specialist doctor or visiting the nearest emergency room.

Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami
Get Comprehensive Retina Care From

Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami

MS (Ophthal), FICO, FRF, VR Fellow, Retina Specialist