Best Retina Surgeon In Siliguri For Eye Health

Your eye is an important organ that consists of the retina which helps you to see light and images. Usually, the retina works as a translator in your eye that sends signals to your brain so that you can see perfectly anything around you. But if the retina gets damaged you may encounter visual problems.

If you currently have any severe eye problems that need surgery, you can consult with Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami, a renowned retina surgeon in Siliguri who can help you to solve your issues at their best. Remember, early detection can help you to overcome the problem quickly rather than neglect.

Retinal Disorders That Can Affect Your Eye Health

  • • Retinal tear
  • • Macular hole
  • • Retinal detachment
  • • Diabetic retinopathy
  • • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • • Epiretinal membrane
  • • Macular degeneration
Retina Surgeon in Siliguri

Just take note that there are many eye diseases that can be corrected and there are some that cannot be cured. When retina problems occur you don't lose your vision instantly but gradually. Thus, it's important that you should check your overall health once a year at least to save your eye health.

Any kind of negligence can affect your health including your eye. If you have symptoms such as floaters, flashing lights, blurred vision, a blind spot in the center of the visual field, dry eye, or tears from the eye, don't hesitate to talk to your retina surgeon in Siliguri.

Diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, and genetic disorders can all contribute to retinal diseases. Whether it's infections, tumors, or an eye injury, all are treated by your retina surgeon. Among all, vitrectomy is a typical surgical procedure for the retina.

Retina Surgery in Siliguri

In vitrectomy eye surgery, the vitreous is removed, and the retina is repaired. The most important part of the surgery is to remove the bloody vitreous and fix detached retinas, macula holes, membranes, or complications of cataracts.

Some vision problems have no initial symptoms but can affect later in life. Thus, taking protection, and scheduling eye exams would be helpful for your eye health. Depending on your eye condition, your retina specialist, Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami, will either prescribe eyewear, or medications or perform surgery to improve your vision.

Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami
Get Comprehensive Retina Care From

Dr. Sangeeta D. Goswami

MS (Ophthal), FICO, FRF, VR Fellow, Retina Specialist